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White Papers

CLIENT: Creo (Now Kodak Graphic Communications)

SERVICE: Copywriting

THE BRIEF: Creo wanted to introduce a new software concept, called a Personal Wokflow Application, to the market, using a soft-sell, educational approach. McNamara wrote this white paper to educate and inform investors, customers and other stakeholders about the merits of the new product offering before it was even developed. This white paper became the key handout at trade show presentations, sales meetings and investor seminars, resulting in endorsements from all..


SERVICE: Copywriting

THE BRIEF: BCcampus contracted McNamara Communications to write a white paper explaining its new BC Commons policy framework to post-secondary educators. McNamara conducted primary and secondary research, including in-depth interviews with various government and private sector stakeholders, to learn how to tell the story. Then, using a plain language style, McNamara wrote a detailed explanation of what the BC Commons policy was, why it was important, and how to apply it.

More samples available, call or email for details.